Powershell - Utiliser les requêtes WMI
Powershell - Utiliser les requêtes WMI
Voici comment on peut interroger à distance une information contenu dans les Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) d'un poste.
$remoteuserlist = Get-WmiObject -query "SELECT * FROM Win32_UserAccount WHERE LocalAccount = 'True' and Name != 'Guest'" –computername $PC -verbose
Depuis la version 3 de PowerShell, il a été créé les commandes CIM, pour améliorer les temps de réponses et utilisation à distance des commandes WMI.
#requires -Version 3
Get-CimInstance -query 'SELECT * FROM Win32_logicaldisk where DriveType="3" and DriveType="2"'
Voici par exemple, une petite comparaison sur des requêtes simples :Commande WMI | Temps | Commande CIM | Temps |
Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem | 20,6793 ms | Get-ciminstance Win32_ComputerSystem | 16,0279 ms |
Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem -Property * | Select-Object * | Format-List * | 23,8446 ms | Get-ciminstance Win32_ComputerSystem -Property * | Select-Object * | Format-List * | 18,826 ms |
Commandelette | Description | Équivalent CIM |
Get-WmiObject | Get-CimInstance | |
Invoke-WmiMethod | Invoke-CimMethod | |
Register-WmiEvent | Register-CimIndicationEvent | |
Remove-WmiObject | Remove-CimInstance |
Pour tester les requêtes, on peut utiliser l'application WMI Explorer disponible sur ce site
Pour les utilisateurs de l'outil PowerShell ISE, je vous recommande l'add-on, PowerShell ISE Addon - CIM Explorer
Exemple de requête:
J'ai eu l'occasion d'utiliser l'ensemble des requêtes qui suivent:Nom | Description | Espace de noms | Requête |
Client Windows 10 | Afficher la Version,le ProductType et l'architecture quand les postes sont sous Windows 10 | root\CIMv2 | select Version,ProductType,OSArchitecture from Win32_OperatingSystem where (Version like “10.%”) and ProductType = “1” |
Client Windows 10 x86 | Afficher la Version,le ProductType et l'architecture quand les postes sont sous Windows 10 32 bit | root\CIMv2 | select Version,ProductType,OSArchitecture from Win32_OperatingSystem where (Version like “10.%”) and ProductType = “1” and OSArchitecture=“32 bits” |
Client Windows 10 x64 | Afficher la Version,le ProductType et l'architecture quand les postes sont sous Windows 10 64 bit | root\CIMv2 | select Version,ProductType,OSArchitecture from Win32_OperatingSystem where (Version like “10.%”) and ProductType = “1” and OSArchitecture=“64 bits” |
Windows 10 Enterprise | Afficher la Version,le ProductType et l'architecture quand les postes sont sous Windows 10 Entreprise | root\CIMv2 | SELECT Version, ProductType, Caption FROM Win32_OperatingSystem WHERE Version LIKE '10.%' AND ProductType='1' AND Caption LIKE '%Ent%' |
Windows Server 2012 | - | root\CIMv2 | select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where Version like “6.2%” and ProductType = “3” |
Windows 8 | - | root\CIMv2 | select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where Version like “6.2%” and ProductType = “1” |
Windows Server 2008 R2 | - | root\CIMv2 | select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where Version like “6.1%” and ProductType = “3” |
Windows 7 | - | root\CIMv2 | select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where Version like “6.1%” and ProductType = “1” |
Windows 7 Enterprise | WMI Filter : Only Windows 7 Enterprise Editions | root\CIMv2 | SELECT Version, ProductType, Caption FROM Win32_OperatingSystem WHERE Version LIKE '6.1.%' AND ProductType='1' AND Caption LIKE '%Ent%' |
Windows Server 2008 | - | root\CIMv2 | select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where Version like “6.0%” and ProductType = “3” |
Windows Vista | - | root\CIMv2 | select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where Version like “6.0%” and ProductType = “1” |
Windows Server 2003 | - | root\CIMv2 | select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where Version like “5.2%” and ProductType = “3” |
Windows XP | - | root\CIMv2 | select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where (Version like “5.1%” or Version like “5.2%”) and ProductType = “1” |
Résolution 16:9 | Sortir la résolution de l'écran d'un poste dans la résolution à un ratio 16:9 | root\CIMv2 | SELECT ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight FROM Win32_DesktopMonitor WHERE ScreenWidth='1280' AND ScreenHeight='800' OR ScreenWidth='1440' AND ScreenHeight='900' OR ScreenWidth='1680' AND ScreenHeight='1050' OR ScreenWidth='1920' AND ScreenHeight='1080' OR ScreenWidth='1280' AND ScreenHeight='768' |
Résolution 4:3 | Sortir la résolution de l'écran d'un poste dans la résolution à un ratio 4:3 | root\CIMv2 | SELECT ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight FROM Win32_DesktopMonitor WHERE ScreenWidth='1024' AND ScreenHeight='768' |
Résolution 5:4 | Sortir la résolution de l'écran d'un poste dans la résolution à un ratio 5:4 | root\CIMv2 | SELECT ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight FROM Win32_DesktopMonitor WHERE ScreenWidth='1280' AND ScreenHeight='1024' |
Serveur | Sortir uniquement les serveurs | root\CIMv2 | Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem where DomainRole <> 0 and DomainRole <>1 |
OS x86 | Filtre les systèmes d'exploitation en x86 | root\CIMv2 | SELECT AddressWidth FROM Win32_Processor WHERE AddressWidth='32' |
OS x64 | Filtre les systèmes d'exploitation en x64 | root\CIMv2 | SELECT AddressWidth FROM Win32_Processor WHERE AddressWidth='64' |
Laptops | Filtre les postes Laptops qui possèdent un statu de batterie | root\CIMv2 | Select * from Win32_Battery WHERE (BatteryStatus <> 0) |
SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Manufacturer LIKE "%Dell%"
Models from Dell:
SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE "%Latitude E7440%"
SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE "%Optiplex 990%"
SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE "%Precision M6800%"
SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE "%Venue 11 Pro 7130%"
Manufacturer is Hewlett-Packard:
SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Manufacturer LIKE "%Hewlett-Packard%"Models from Hewlett-Packard:
SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE "%HP EliteBook 8540p%“
SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE "%HP EliteBook 8560w%"
SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Model LIKE "%ElitePad 1000%"
Manufacturer is Lenovo:
SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Manufacturer LIKE "%Lenovo%"
Models from Lenovo:
SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystemProduct WHERE Version LIKE "%ThinkPad T420%"
SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystemProduct WHERE Version LIKE "%ThinkPad W520%"
SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystemProduct WHERE Version LIKE "%ThinkPad Edge E330%"
SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystemProduct WHERE Version LIKE "%ThinkPad Tablet 2%"
Microsoft Hyper-V
SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Manufacturer LIKE "%Microsoft Corporation%" AND Model LIKE "%Virtual Machine%"
SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE Manufacturer LIKE "%VMware%" AND Model LIKE "%VMware Virtual Platform%"
Utiliser WMI pour générer une table contenant l'ensemble des informations des disques durs
Pour l'un de mes derniers projets, j'ai eu besoin de récupérer le numéro du disque dur qui correspondait à la lettre que l'on devait sélectionner dans ce programme, c'est pour cela que j'ai fait deux modules.
Function ConvertLetterToDisk(){
Param ( $letter )
$hash = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_DiskDrive | ForEach-Object {
$diskWmi = $_
$PartsWmi = "ASSOCIATORS OF " +
"{Win32_DiskDrive.DeviceID='$($diskWmi.DeviceID)'} " +
"WHERE AssocClass = Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition"
Get-CimInstance -Query $PartsWmi | ForEach-Object {
$PartWmi = $_
$drives = "ASSOCIATORS OF " +
"{Win32_DiskPartition.DeviceID='$($PartWmi.DeviceID)'} " +
"WHERE AssocClass = Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition"
Get-CimInstance -Query $drives | ForEach-Object {
New-Object -Type PSObject -Property @{
DiskNumber = $diskWmi.DeviceID.Replace('\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE','')
DiskSize = $diskWmi.Size
DiskModel = $diskWmi.Model
Partition = $PartWmi.Name
RawSize = $PartWmi.Size
DriveLetter = $_.DeviceID
VolumeName = $_.VolumeName
Size = $_.Size
FreeSpace = $_.FreeSpace
$hash | Where-Object Driveletter -Match $letter | ForEach-Object {
Set-Variable -Name Value -Value $_.DiskNumber
return $Value
Function ConvertDiskToLetter(){
Param ( $Disk )
$hash = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_DiskDrive | ForEach-Object {
$diskWmi = $_
$PartsWmi = "ASSOCIATORS OF " +
"{Win32_DiskDrive.DeviceID='$($diskWmi.DeviceID)'} " +
"WHERE AssocClass = Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition"
Get-CimInstance -Query $PartsWmi | ForEach-Object {
$PartWmi = $_
$drives = "ASSOCIATORS OF " +
"{Win32_DiskPartition.DeviceID='$($PartWmi.DeviceID)'} " +
"WHERE AssocClass = Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition"
Get-CimInstance -Query $drives | ForEach-Object {
New-Object -Type PSObject -Property @{
DiskNumber = $diskWmi.DeviceID.Replace('\\.\PHYSICALDRIVE','')
DiskSize = $diskWmi.Size
DiskModel = $diskWmi.Model
Partition = $PartWmi.Name
RawSize = $PartWmi.Size
DriveLetter = $_.DeviceID
VolumeName = $_.VolumeName
Size = $_.Size
FreeSpace = $_.FreeSpace
$hash | Where-Object DiskNumber -Match $Letter | ForEach-Object {
Set-Variable -Name Value -Value $_.DriveLetter
return $Value
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